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Podobne do wydania Georgiev, Georgi Nikolov; Georgieva-Grosse, Mariana Nikolova, The Kummer confluent hypergeometric function and some of its applications in the theory of azimuthally magnetized circular ferrite waveguidesJournal of Telecommunications and Information Technology, 2005, nr 3
  • - Znaleziono obiektów:   98
    • Wydania: 1
    • Publikacje: 97
Prosty | Rozbudowany
1.  PDF The Kummer confluent hypergeometric function and some of its applications in the theory of azimuthally magnetized circular ferrite waveguidesJournal of Telecommunications and Information Technology, 2005, nr 3 - Nikolov Georgiev, Georgi []
Trafność: 100%
Słowa kluczowe: eigenvalue problems , ferrite phase shifters , function-theoretic and computational methods in electromagnetic theory , microwave guides and components , microwave propagation in anisotropic media , switches and isolators , theoretical and numerical analysis of special functions
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