Opis wydania
New pico- and femtosecond laser based sources: from the Infra-Red to the XUV, Journal of Telecommunications and Information Technology, 2000, nr 1-2
Opis : In this paper, we review a number of recentdevelopments concerning laser or laser-based sources generatingpico- or subpicosecond pulses of light at wavelengthsnow ranging from the mid Infra-Red (50 mm) to the XUV(11.9 nm). Those include the new generation of „Chirp PulseAmplification” laser systems, Free Electron Lasers operatingin the IR or visible range, and a number of laser drivensources covering the XUV range, generally based on the highintensity irradiation of solid or gaseous targets. The mainperspectives, applications and essential issues concerning suchsources are discussed.
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