Opis wydania
Technology and change: the role of information technology in knowledge civilization, Journal of Telecommunications and Information Technology, 2006, nr 4
Opis : The paper presents a reflection on the role of technology and, in particular, information technology in the era of knowledge civilization. Diverse perceptions of this era, the concepts of three civilization eras versus three waves, of a cultural platform versus an episteme of a civilization era, of a big change at the end of industrial civilization era are outlined. The first principle of cultural anthropology and the concept of cultural imperialism are recalled. The contemporary philosophy of technology is shortly reviewed. An interpretation of Die Technik und die Kehre of M. Heidegger from a technological point of view is given. It is shown that we should distinguish technology proper from the system of its socio-economic applications, and that the relation of technology proper to hard science and to socio-economic applications of technology forms two positive feedback loops; the one of socio-economic applications might be more dan- gerous in cases of social infatuation with technological possibilities or other misapplications of technology. It is shown that the technology of knowledge civilization era will differ from that of industrial era in proposing boundless number of diversified technological possibilities; thus, the Heideggerian warning against social infatuation with technological possibilities must be not only repeated, but also modified and strengthened.
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