Opis wydania
Interfacing war game simulations with tactical C2 systems – dream or reality?, Journal of Telecommunications and Information Technology, 2003, nr 4
Temat i słowa kluczowe : C2 systems ; common operatring picture ; constructive simulations ModSAF ; DIS ; evolutionary system development ; friendly and enemyforces ; GF-TCCS ; HLA ; interfacing ModSAF with GF-TCCS ; MOD ; NCOE ; OTB ; rapid prototyping ; SAF ; SIMNET CGFs ; system architecture ; tactical operations centre ; war fighting simulation
Opis : Decision making process in current tactical C2 systems is base on planning process of commanders and their staff. Improving tactical decision making by interfacing war game simulations with tactical C2 systems is achievable. Commander can review the results of the simulation and subsequently modify the tactical plan. Previously, the use of “training” simulations was not a viable solution to real world decision making due to the lengthy time required to input all of the combat entities, the unit organizations and personnel dispositions, the equipment configurations, status of the units and equipment, and the distribution of the available supplies. Modern C2 systems have all of this information stored in the common system databases, and this information can be used to instantiate and populate the simulation through an electronic adaptation of the data structures to match the requirements of the constructive simulation. This paper will provide description of system approach of interfacing simulation and C2 system to improve decision-making.
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